Tuesday, November 26, 2019

buy custom Alexander Dumas essay

buy custom Alexander Dumas essay Alexandre Dumas was a conservative and anti feminist author. This could help in formulating a thesis that describes him as an immoral man. Dumas were one of the French writers whose earliest forms of plays showed how he dealt with the issue of prostitution. This was seen in the play The Lady of the Camellias, 1882, whereby he aired out social issues in life. Many more authors that came after him also emulated his roots of writing. His life also had an effect towards his character. The reason for this is that since he was born as one of the illegitimate child, he learnt to live with his mother Marie-Laure-Catherine, who was just a dress maker, but struggled and provided for the family. He was, however, not happy with the reappearance of his father when he joined college named Bourbon, after when his father had realized the he had a talent in literature work (Hopkins, 23). The law at this time was brutal and biased; hence his father was allowed to take him from his mother, something that left her mother in pain and suffering due to gender biases. In his writings, he emphasized on the moral values throughout, and also he espoused his belief that whenever a man fathers an illegitimate child, he should take responsibility of legitimizing the child and marrying the woman. In the boarding school where Dumas went to school, he was taunted constantly following his lifes situation. One; therefore, can conclude that it is these issues that profoundly influenced his thoughts, behavior characteristics and writing (Lewis, 48). 2) Critical Review of the Play La Tour de Nesle by Alexander Dumas The Tour de Nesle was a guard tower in Paris old city that was constructed in the beginning of the 13th century. The tower is located to the south bank , and it was constructed by Phillip II of France. Later on in the 19t century, the tower was used by Alexandre Dumas as the setting for his romance play titled La Tour de Nesle . According to the play, the tower represented the place where, in the 14th century, the queen of France was murdered. Alexandre based this story on a legend that had existed in the 15th century that was titled Tour de Nesle Affair. The play revolves around the events that transpired in the year 1314 when the daughters in law of Phillip IV were accused of committing adultery. Because of these accusations, their alleged lovers were executed after days of being tortured and flayed. Thus, the tower was a symbol of mystery and fear. It was believed that each morning, bodies of young men would be found floating with their bodies slaughters either by sword or spear. Legend has it that the queen was on a mission to revenge all men. Thus, she would invite men into her chambers for a romantic night only for her to kill them and throw them into the river. La tour de Nesles is a rare French movie because it is a color movie. Te tower is gloomy , and its horrors are represented in the blue, green waters of the Seine. This is because the queen usually threw her one night lovers into the waters after their overnight endeavors. However, this was just a legend that was never proven true. It is in this tower where the queen awaits her young lovers to arrive before they were ruthlessly murdered by henchmen. Characterization The story is made up of several characters. Silvana Pampanini plays the role of Marguerite de Bourgogne the queen while Pierre Brasseur takes the part of Jehan Buridan. There are two princesses namely; princess Jeanne and Blanche acted by Christine Grado and Lia Di Leo respectively. The rest of the characters include: Paul Guers (Gaultier dAulnay), Jacques Toja (Philippe dAulnay), Andr Gabriello (Le grand mnestrel), Nelly Kaplan (Alice), Rellys (Archer), Cadet Rivers (Le tavernier), Louis Viret (Le chef des assassins), Constant Rmy (Landry), Marcel Raine (Orsini) and Michel Bouquet (Louis X). In the story, Margaret of Burgundy, the queen of France at the time was an unfaithful woman. She is depicted as a heartless woman who killed her lovers without a second thought. Moreover, she is witty , and this helps her to keep her affairs a secret. One night, two noble men, were lured into the tower. They had gone with the expectations of a romantic evening filled with passion but instead they were met by a vengeful woman who had a grudge against all men. Later in the evening, the queen manages to kill Phillippe but Buridan, the second man manages to escape. He begins to blackmail the queen by threatening to expose her to the king unless she makes him a prime minister. Buridan, on the other hand, is depicted as a tricky man who manages to escape the queens clutches, hence saving his life. When he decides to blackmail the queen, he is seen as an opportunistic man who takes advantage of any available opportunity to benefit himself. Although initially a victim, the expected reaction would be to report the queen for her wrong doings and get his dead friend the justice he deserves. However, he opts to use the information he has to benefit himself, thus he is greedy and self centered. Moreover, he is immoral and promiscuous because he went to the tower with the expectation of a passionate night , yet it was common knowledge that the queen was a married woman. However, it should be noted that the story is not an accurate representation of French history. However, the story is an entertaining and highly emotional play. Color and shade have been used to give the story an expressionists touch in order to add emphasize on the dark, sinister plot. The dark shade also gives the film a sense of historical realism. The story revolves around two major themes. These are revenge and politics. However, sex,, death, greed and betrayal are also evident in the plays. The queen is driven by her desire to avenge all men. She is beautiful and used her wits and beauty to lure young, clueless men to her chambers. She then kills them and throws hem into the river. Politics, on the other hand, is very dominant in the story. For instance, when Buridan escapes, instead of reporting the queen so that she could be punished for a murder, he decided to use the knowledge he had to further his political aspirations. This shows that to him, political power outweighs justice. Betrayal in the story is evident throughout. For instance, the queen betrays the king when she has affairs with other men. Also, she betrays her lovers when she has then killed to quench her thirst for revenge. So many people betray and blackmail each other in exchange for political power throughout the play. Death is also prevalent in the film, making it extremely sad to watch. For instance the death of the male nobles men who were killed by the queen. It was said that everyday, bodies would be found floating on the Seine. This shows that death was a normal occurrence in that society. The drama has played the role of passing the influential antifeminist message to the world. The message rocked the stages in Europe when it had premiered for the first time. The general concepts depicted in the play lie in addressing the key issues in society, such as the gender imbalance, political influences and unprincipled traditions where murder seems to be the norm. The play is criticizing the political influence that the old generations had been used to posing it as a challenge to the new generation through sensitizing it. According to the book, political power is greatly valued, and those in high political positions are willing to do anything to maintain them or move higher. This will indeed help in ensuring that the next generations will become much more sensitized and can make some visualized judgments. Immorality will also be termed as the historical functions, which still have grounds in the new and future generations. In conclusion, such plays have the main aim of educat ing and sensitizing the new and future generations, with the purpose of making the future generations more aware of the dangers of living immorally and the consequences that arise as a result of immorality. Alexandre, in this play, shows the role of women as promiscuous and insensitive, contrary to what women ought to be in the society. According to his bibliography, he had little family values since his father was not a part of his life when he was very young. In this life, he had several illegitimate children and got married once although he was still having an affair with an actress at the time. Thus, the play is a representation of women as he perceives them, and is not necessarily a true description of women, especially in that century. Buy custom Alexander Dumas essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Consecuencias de mentir para visa o a Inmigracin

Consecuencias de mentir para visa o a Inmigracin Si mientes o cometes fraude para obtener una visa u otro beneficio migratorio y te agarran las consecuencias son muy graves.  ¿Quà © puede pasar? ¿Es posible salir del problemà ³n? Pero,  ¿quà © es mentir para las autoridades de inmigracià ³n? En el contexto de Inmigracià ³n, mentir es decir- en forma hablada o por escrito- algo que no se corresponde con la verdad con el fin de conseguir un beneficio de Inmigracià ³n cuando tal beneficio no serà ­a concedido de haberse conocido la verdad. Esa mentira es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como material misrepresentation. Por otro lado, el fraude de migratorio, conocido en inglà ©s como visa fraud es muy similar a la mentira de la que estamos hablando. Y las consecuencias son iguales. Adems, una mentira puede ser considerada como prueba de tener un mal carcter moral, lo cual es importante porque para algunos beneficios es un requisito ser considerado una persona con buena moral.  ¿Para quà © se miente o se comete fraude migratorio? Para conseguir un beneficio migratorio, que puede ser de muy diversos tipos, por ejemplo: Visas tipo turista, de trabajo temporal o de estudianteSacar la ciudadanà ­a mediante la naturalizacià ³nTarjeta de residencia (tambià ©n conocida como visa de inmigrante o greencard)Ingresar a Estados UnidosAsilo, accià ³n diferida, etc.  ¿Cules son ejemplos de mentiras o de acciones que constituyen fraude migratorio? Entre otras, cualquiera de las siguientes acciones: Mentiras relacionadas con el estado civil (soltero, casado, divorciado, etc)Utilizar un nombre falso o que corresponde a otra persona.No declarar el nà ºmero exacto de hijos.Negar tener familiares en EEUU o que son ciudadanos americanos.Presentar documentos falsos sobre cuentas bancarias, propiedades, etc.Mentir sobre trabajo, estudios, etc.Mentir sobre el tiempo de estancia fuera de los Estados UnidosMentir sobre pago de impuestosMentir sobre pago de pensià ³n de manutencià ³n (child support)Presentar tà ­tulos acadà ©micos que no son falsos.Cartas falsas sobre experiencia laboral.Contar a un oficial de Inmigracià ³n en una frontera o aeropuerto que la intencià ³n es visitar temporalmente Estados Unidos como turista cuando el objetivo verdadero es casarse con un ciudadano y quedarse o simplemente entrar a vivir con el cà ³nyuge ciudadano y pedir un ajuste de estatus sin esperar fuera del paà ­s por la residencia permanente.Sobornar -incluso en grado de tentativa- a un ofici al consular para obtener la aprobacià ³n del visado. Alterar una visa autà ©ntica o falsificarla.Comprar, vender, transferir o procurar a otra persona una visa u otro documento legà ­timo, como por ejemplo, un pasaporte.Entrar a EEUU con una visa de turista o sin visado (paà ­ses en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas) con la intencià ³n de trabajar para una empresa americana.Ingresar a Estados Unidos como turista con la intencià ³n de estudiar a tiempo completo - ms de 19 horas a la semana) en una universidad o academia. (Este es un problema con los espaà ±oles y posiblemente lo vaya a ser con los chilenos que por tener mala informacià ³n vienen a estudiar inglà ©s en EEUU a tiempo completo en verano creyendo que no necesitan visa de estudiante por tener la ESTA. Pero esa es una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica para turistas y poco ms. No para estudiar).  ¿Cules son las consecuencias de mentir en asuntos de Inmigracià ³n o para sacar una visa? Los efectos de la mentira o del fraude migratorio -inadmisibilidad conocida oficialmente como INA seccià ³n 212 (a)(6)(C)(i)- son los siguientes: El problema original por el que mentiste sigue ahà ­. No ha desaparecido.Te has convertido en inadmisible por razà ³n de haber cometido un fraude migratorio (visa fraud). Esto quiere decir que no vas a poder conseguir visas no inmigrante ni tampoco una de inmigrante. Tampoco vas a poder ajustar tu estatus ni obtener cambios de visa. Tampoco se podr obtener beneficios migratorios como la accià ³n diferida, si eres un Dreamers, o incluso asilo.Adems, si ests en Estados Unidos una vez que el gobierno se entera de que hay un problema de fraude inmigratorio iniciar un procedimiento para deportarte. Incluso en ocasiones graves puede iniciar un proceso penal, enviarte a la crcel y al salir, deportarte.Asimismo, tendrs ya siempre un problema de falta de credibilidad con todas las personas del gobierno americano que tratan temas migratorios (oficiales consulares, oficiales de aduanas, USCIS, CBP, jueces de cortes migratorias, etc.)Finalmente, si se ha obtenido un beneficio migratorio duran te una tramitacià ³n en la que se ha mentido, es posible revocarlo. Y esto afecta a situaciones tan diversas como una visa de turista e incluso la green card o la ciudadanà ­a. En muchos de estos casos hay que destacar que el hecho sobre el que se miente no es razà ³n suficiente para denegar un beneficio migratorio o una visa. Es la mentira en sà ­ la que causa todos los problemas.    ¿Cà ³mo se enteran de que has mentido? Por diversos cauces. Por ejemplo (hay muchos ms): En algunos paà ­ses con un alto nà ºmero de mentiras detectadas los consulados investigan si los documentos que se presentan son verdaderos, si los reportes bancarios son fabricados por un abogado corrupto.En el curso de una entrevista pueden darse cuenta de que hay inconsistencias notorias y hacen una comprobacià ³n de los hechos.Puede que todo se descubra ms tarde cuando en el curso de la peticià ³n de otro beneficio migratorio se destapa la mentira original. Por ejemplo, si se le miente al oficial del aeropuerto presentndose con una visa de turista cuando la intencià ³n es quedarse a vivir con el cà ³nyuge americano en Estados Unidos puede ocurrir que cuando a continuacià ³n se pide el ajuste de estatus à ©ste se niegue por fraude migratorio (visa fraud).Por una denuncia anà ³nima. Por ejemplo, no tienes a mano el certificado de divorcio y dices en una planilla de inmigracià ³n que nunca has estado casado. Y resulta que tu ex se entera y asà ­ lo hace saber a la autorid ad que corresponda. Etc.  ¿Quà © hacer? Lo ms importante es pararse antes de contar la mentira. Y valorar muy bien las posibles consecuencias. Incluso consultar con un abogado especialista. Siempre es mejor no obtener momentneamente un beneficio migratorio (como por ejemplo una visa), que obtenerlo a travà ©s de una mentira y que ms tarde te lo quiten y que no te lo vuelvan a dar, posiblemente por el resto de tu vida. (Estas son tarifas promedio de lo que cobran los abogados de inmigracià ³n, incluido costo de consulta). Ten mucho cuidado con toda esa gente que se llama consultores y ofrecen documentos falsos o llenan tus planillas con informacià ³n no verdadera. Ya que si se descubre quien se queda con el problema eres tà º. No ellos. Y no vale de nada decir que te aconsejaron, que no entiendes bien inglà ©s, que te dijo tu familia, etc. Tà º eres el à ºnico responsable de lo que presentas y de lo que firmas.  ¿Es posible pedir un perdà ³n en los casos de inadmisibilidad por fraude inmigratorio o de visa? En casos muy especà ­ficos sà ­ es posible, hay una tramitacià ³n distinta para visas de inmigrante y para las de no inmigrante. Pero, honestamente, son pocos los que se conceden. Si tienes un problema de inadmisibilidad por INA 212(a)(6)(C)(i) y quieres plantearte solicitar un perdà ³n, habla con un abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista en este tema en concreto. Para valorar si tienes una chance antes de gastar mucho tiempo y dinero. Pero primero asegà ºrate que tu inadmisibilidad es realmente esa. Si tienes papeles del consulado, USCIS, la CBP, etc, mira siempre quà © ponen y en algà ºn lado ha de poner la causa del problema. Pero si no sabes exactamente cul es tu causa de inadmisibilidad, es decir, la razà ³n por la que te niegan una visa o cualquier otro beneficio migratorio, siempre puedes solicitar tu historial.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The causes of the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The causes of the Civil War - Essay Example Today the American Civil War represents one of the most important conflicts in the history of the United States. While the war itself only lasted from 1861-1865, the effects have been felt significantly throughout the United States since. In addition to enacting significant death tolls on both the Northern and Southern participants, the political ramifications of the conflict were truly revolutionary as they resulted in the emancipation of slaves throughout the country. While ostensibly the Civil War was a direct result of then President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, declaring the abolishment of slavery, upon further inspection it’s clear there are a number of complex causes behind the war. This essay considers the various causes to the Civil War in an attempt to gain a broader understanding of their political implications. Perhaps the primary catalyst behind the Civil War was the economic differences between the Northern and Southern states. While indust rialization had enacted factory production and similar means of economic subsistence in the Northern states, the Southern states had evolved along a different path. Within the Southern regions, where the climate encouraged more agricultural means of production, the economy had become almost entirely reliant on cotton production. Within this spectrum of existence, cheap labor was essential to ensure the economy functioned, so slavery became a key part of Southern existence. In addition to embracing slavery, the Northern modes of city-life encouraged greater means of interaction between the social classes. As a result, it’s argued that Northern regions evolved more progressive views on the social hierarchy, while the Southern regions remained in an antiquated order (Chambers 1999). This would led to conflicting perspectives that would eventually mount, greatly contributing to the opposing regions engaging in warfare. Another pivotal aspect that contributed to the start of the C ivil War was general disagreements on political policy between the Northern and Southern regions. In these regards, one of the primary disagreements was between the belief the Southern belief that states should be primarily responsible for determining legal policy, versus the Northern view that the Federal government should be the primary decision maker in these matters. One of the primary arguments was advanced by politician John C Calhoun and referred to as nullification. This would give states the power to nullify laws that were passed by the Federal Government. As it became clear that such a measure would not be allowed, the Southern states moved toward seceding from the Union (Jones 1999). Ultimately, this would be a primary influence in bringing the Southern states to war. Another primary political issue was the moral disagreement between individuals that supported slavery and those that were vehemently opposed to it. As slavery had become a long-entrenched aspect of the Ameri can economic landscape, even as growing concern over its immoral aspects mounted it became increasingly difficult to break the nation from these past practices. With the Louisiana Purchase, the United States gained a large portion of land in the Western United States. The Federal Government deemed that new states admitted to the Union through this land would be free from slavery, placing increased pressure on the Southern states that embraced slavery to move toward abolishment. In addition to these aspects, tension began to emerge between the Southern and Northern states regarding slave laws. With laws such as the Compromise of 1850, Federal officials in southern and northern regions were forced to arrest fugitive slaves, or else themselves be arrested or fined (Gienapp 2001). Laws such as this caused tension with Northern individuals that believed these laws violated general human rights. In addition, there existed a growing abolitionist movement of political revolutionaries that s ought to end slavery through protesting and sometimes violent means. These

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Investigate working relationships within a services industry Essay

Investigate working relationships within a services industry context(hospitality mangement) - Essay Example Hospitality Management is the administration of people and services that is essential in the tourism industries in all parts of the world (The Ohio State University at Lima, n.d.). It is a multi-disciplinary major that provides proficiency and competence for the administration, marketing, and above standard operations skills in the accommodations, food, travel and other tourism services to people apart from their homes (Bureau of Economic Analysis, n.d.; MyMajors, n.d.) whereby uninhibited application of irrefutable management theories and principles is implemented (Degree Directory, n.d.; The Ohio State University at Lima, n.d.). It entails indisputable competence in the diverse features of a global business which is comprised of strategic planning, design and construction, finance and marketing, administration, supervision and operations (MyMajors, n.d.). Hospitality managers usually concentrate on specific areas of specializations which cater to particular functions. These could be human resources, food services, guest services and information systems. Nevertheless, top-level managers and executives should have an across-the-board knowledge and skills required for the effective operations of various departments and how they draw together (Degree Directory, n.d.). The legacy began with the distinguished Swiss hotelier Cesar Ritz known as the â€Å"King of hoteliers and hotelier to kings† who valiantly changes the definition of â€Å"luxury hotel experience" in Europe. With his personal philosophy of service and innovation, he commenced the Ritz-Paris and Carlton-London during his time. As a consequence, since the time of its commencement, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.—more popularly known as The Ritz—is one of the most progressive luxury hotel groups in the world. The first branch was the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, Massachusetts set off on 1927

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ipremier Case Essay Example for Free

Ipremier Case Essay When an event like this occurs in an organization, the first question asked post mortum is how can we prevent his from happening again. From iPremier’s perspective there are a few steps that can be taken. First, an overall evaluation of their security infrastructure and the individuals that support the structure. iPremier used a third party vendor to handle IT systems and support. This may be an area of weakness and the service that is provided by Qdata should be looked at closely. Although it may be cost effective to use a thirdy party vendor for this service, it is important to constantly evaluate their service and infrastructure compliance. Second, although Qdata manages iPremier’s IT systems it is important for iPremiere to have standard operating procudures and compliance standards. Preparing such documentation after an outage is the perfect time because a lot of what went wrong is still in their head and helps provide some ground level requirements. Once iPremier establishes their processes and procedures they should periodically â€Å"test† the process in a live drill. At my company we run several maintenance processes every month as well as disaster recovery testing once a year with some in between quarterly testing. It’s important to put the process, procedure and plan together, but equally important to test it in order to identify gaps. This process also needs to be written and locatable in the event it is needed for reference. Establishing a location for the process both in paper form an electronically is key. Lastly, communication from leadership to staff and to the clients that iPremier supports must be immediate. It is extremely important that staff be communicated to in a timely matter when information may have been compromised. There is also legal obligation on iPremiers part to notify clients that there information may have been compromised. iPremier maybe on some level required to compensate or identify ways for clients to mitigate the risk of their information being compromised. Overall, at the time of a service interruption post mortum evaluation will always find ways in which the interruption could have been prevented. Unfortunatley, organizations learn from disaster and it is the primary way in which we learn our weaknesses. Going forward if iPremier establishes the needed processes and procedures and takes the time to test their plan, they will prevent this specific issue from happening again, but are always other issues that will come up. Then it is time to re-evaluate your plan, processes, and procedures.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Kadohatas The Story Devils: An Overview :: essays research papers

Kadohata's The Story Devils: An Overview   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Story Devils, by Cynthia Kadohata is a look into the life of a young girl looking to protect her family in any way possible. The story is based on a real life experience of the author and shows how we can, at times, let the devil in ourselves come out and play. The author, now living in Los Angeles, writes this as almost a warning; but the reader gets the feeling that she would do what she did again, in a second.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story takes place after World War II in the town of Chesterville, Arkansas. It was a small town with small town problems, and had a Japanese community living within it. The story was written in 1989 and reflect the uncertainties of the post World War II period. Within the small community there lived a woman that had been through a recent divorce, and was raising three children, Kate, the author, and her brother Sean. Because the mother is having a problem making ends meet, she begins to go to church and meets the antagonist, Mr. Mason.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story is told by the author in the body and mind of an eight year old. It is a first-person narration and she is playing the part of the protagonist. The point of view remains constant throughout the story, which gives you only the viewpoint of the author to get facts from. Although this may be a possibly unreliable perspective, due to selective memory, the story is told in a straightforward manner suggesting truth and honesty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the story the author realizes that Mr. Mason is a violent man. This is learned through several instances, such as when he forced the mother into a crying fit in her bedroom in the beginning of the story. He was also violent when he threw a rock at a young boy that had wandered over to the yard to play. These incidents forced the author to do something that she did not relish, but deemed necessary in order to save her family from this man; since she new her mother was planning on marrying him. She lied to her mother and told her that Mr. Mason had hit her. At first it wasn't believed, but when her quiet sister Kate backed up her story, the mother sought to separate herself from this man. The family moved to Chicago and the author never saw Mr. Mason again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As was stated before, the story was believable because of the author's almost relenting of a story that she had kept inside for a long time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Iphone vs Androind Compare and Contrast Essay

Over the last decade, electronic-based companies such as Samsung and Apple have collaborated with cellular-phone carriers, and have studied the average consumer to find endless ways to improve the cellular phone. As a result, the smart phone was born. With their ability to provide users with instant access to communication, entertainment, Internet access, calendar, news, social media, and much more, the smart phone revolutionized and shifted the path of modern technology. In 2006, Apple began this revolution with their release of the iPhone. Being the first proper smart phone, many other companies attempted to mimic the unbeatable features and technology that Apple had included with the iPhone. Though many had failed in doing so, Google managed to keep up with the iPhone with their Android software. Soon enough, Google’s Android software became the dominant smart phone based software for smart phones not manufactured by Apple. Because of this, Android phones had become just as popular as iPhones. This paper will explore the similarities and differences between both Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android. One major similarity between the iPhone and Android phones is their shape. For example, all models of the iPhone have been similar in shape, which can be noted in their rectangular shape and rounded corners. This exact shape can also be seen in many of the Android phones, such as the Samsung Galaxy and HTC Evo. iPhones and Android phones have also been noted for their large touch screens occupying the majority of the front space of the phone, and their job in navigation in place of traditional buttons seen on non-smart phones. Though the trend of this rectangular shape, rounded corners, and large screen has lead to many disputes regarding who had originally designed the structure, manufacturers continue to use this as the basic structure for their smart phones. Though the iPhone and Android appear to be very similar, they have more differences than they do similarities. For example, because of Android’s alliance of over thirty phone manufacturers, there are currently seventy-seven different models of Android phones. However, because of the act that Apple refuses to allow other manufacturers to use the iPhone’s IOS software, there are only six models of the iPhone. Differences in appearance are evident as well. For example, higher-end Android phones have been noted for their screens that are much larger than that of the iPhone. However, this limits the screen’s resolution, which is much greater on the iPhone for this very reason. Another similarity between the iPhone and Android are their features. For example, both include a high-resolution camera and MP3 player. In terms of connectivity, they both allow 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi connection. Like all modern smart phones, they are both based on very similar downloadable applications, and both include a very similar app store. Like the iPhone, the Android also includes a similar notification center, allowing users to view a log of missed calls, text messages, and other notifications from apps. As stated prior, iPhone and Android share many of the same applications, and both display similarities in their app stores. However, the systems of apps for both types of phone are almost entirely different. For example, the apps on the iPhone are of higher quality than that of the Android, and there is a much greater selection. However, Android phones allow users to download applications from third party sources, and the Android app store is much less strict to developers than that of the iPhone. Aside from applications, the software of both smart phones display differences as well. For example, the iPhone is known for its simplicity and user-friendliness, while the Android is known for allowing users to customize everything down to the theme of the keyboard. In conclusion, while the iPhone and Android appear to be very similar at first glance, it is evident that they have more differences then they do similarities. Because of this, both the iPhone and the Android typically tend to attract different groups of people based on what they believe should be in a smart phone, whether they prefer the iPhone’s simplicity and high quality applications, or the Android’s customizability and larger variety of apps. As the smart phone has evolved over the last six years, it will continue to do so as consumers continue to buy what smart phone fits them personally. This will evidently lead to new features, advanced screens, further personalization capabilities, and much more, partaking in the further evolution of the smart phone. In the end, the evolution of the smart phone will bring further advancement to modern technology.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Introduction to Robotics and Industrial Automation

Adama University of Science and EngineeringSchool of Engineering and Information TechnologyDepartment of Electrical Engineering| Course Number | ECEG-5506| Course Title| Introduction to Robotics and Industrial Automation| Lecturer| N. N. | Credits| 3| Course Objectives & Competences to be Acquired| * Understand the elements of an industrial robot, mechanisms, sensors, actuators and end effectors. Program robotic manipulators * Acquaintance with artificial intelligence applications in robotics * Introduce industrial control circuits and applications of PLCs in modern industrial control| Course Description/Course Contents| * Robotic FundamentalsIntroduction, Robot kinematics; rigid body motion; transformation of coordinates * Mechanisms and Actuators * Sensors and DetectorsPosition, Velocity, Acceleration, Force torque; Touch and Tactile Sensors; Proximity and Range Detectors, Machine Vision * Modeling and Control of ManipulatorsNewton’s equations; Euler Lagrange method; motion control; manipulator control; trajectory generation; computer control * Robot Applications and ProgrammingPick and place; spot and arc welding; surface coating; assembly * Introduction to Computer Control Role of computers in the control of Industrial processes (plants). Elements of Computer Controlled Process / Plant. Classification – Batch, Continuous, Supervisory and Direct Digital Controls.Architecture – Centralized, Distributed and Hierarchical Systems. Man Machine or Human Computer Interface (HCI). * Basic Ladder Logic and ControlProgrammable Logic Controllers and Applications | Lab Exercises:| Motion control; manipulator control; machine learning using MATLAB and relevant tools; PLC Programming| Pre-requisites| ECEG-3206: Introduction to Control Engineering| Teaching & Learning Methods| Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment and laboratory exercises. | Assessment/Evaluation & Grading System| Assignment (20%), Mid-semester Examination (30%), Final examination (50%)| Attendance Requirements| 75% lecture attendance and 100% lab attendance| Literature| Textbook: Von Mark W.Spong , Seth Hutchinson , Mathukumalli Vidyasagar: Robot Modeling and Control, Wiley & Sons; Auflage: 1st edition Nov 30, 2005). John J. Craig: Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control, Prentice-Hall; Auflage: 3rd edition July 27,2004. References: 1. P. J. McKerrow, Introduction to Robotics, Addison-Wesley, 1991. 2. Sciavicco, L. , and Siciliano, B. : Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing Series, Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 2000. 3. Canudas de Wit, Siciliano and Bastin: Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators, 2nd Ed. , Springer-Verlag London Limited, 1996. 4. Asada, H. and Slotine, J. -J. E. , J: Theory of Robot Control, Wiley and Sons, 1986 5. Murray, R. , Li, Z. and Sastry, S. : Robot Analysis and Control CRC Press, 1994. |

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Effective Reading Strategies For Textbooks

Effective Reading Strategies For Textbooks    Newsflash: Your teacher doesn’t care if you read the whole chapter. I know that this sounds like a lie that teachers use to make sure you fail in school and life in general, but I am not kidding. At all. In fact, if youre using effective reading strategies, youre not going to read every single word. You dont really have to. Do you know what your teacher wants, more than anything? For you to learn the material youre supposed to know, and if you use the following effective reading tips for textbooks, youll be sure to do that. Read to learn; dont just read to read. There is absolutely no guilt if you skip around as long as you understand what youre supposed to.   Effective Reading Strategies Involve Less Actual Reading The best way to spend your study hour when you get an assignment to read a chapter is to devote as little time as is humanly possible to actually putting your eyes across the words on the page and as much time as is humanly possible doing these things: Testing yourself on the contentOrganizing the contentReviewing the contentRelating new concepts in the book to ones you already knowIdentifying and memorizing technical terms, formulas, and vocabularyApplying the concepts in the textbook to real-world situations In other words, spend your time learning, not just hacking through the words on the page until they blur into a giant mass of indecipherable grayish figures. Effective Reading Strategies For Learning a Chapter As I said before, your teacher doesnt care if you read the whole chapter. He or she does care if you know the material. And you should, too. Heres how to minimize your reading and maximize your learning when you read a textbook. Just PEEK, ASK, ANSWER and QUIZ. Peek. Effective reading starts with dedicating the first part of your reading time to peeking through the chapter - look at chapter headings, view pictures, read the intro and conclusion, and browse through the study questions at the end. Get a feel for what you need to know.Ask Questions. On a sheet of paper, transform your chapter headings into questions, leaving spaces underneath. Change â€Å"Early Romantic Poets† into â€Å"Who were the Early Romantic Poets?† Change â€Å"The Lithograph† into â€Å"What THE HECK is The Lithograph?† And on and on. Do this for every heading and subheading. Seems like a waste of precious time. I assure you, it is not.Answer Questions. Read through the chapter to answer the questions you just created. Put the answers in your own words underneath the questions you’ve written on your paper. Paraphrasing what the book says is imperative because youll remember your own words much better than someone elses.Quiz. When yo u’ve found the answers to all of the questions, read back through your notes with the answers covered to see if you can answer the questions from memory. If not, reread your notes until you can. Effective Reading Summary If you practice these effective reading strategies, your test/quiz/and exam study time will decrease DRAMATICALLY because you will have learned the material as you go instead of cramming for your test right before exam time: Sample Reading Comprehension QuestionsLearn Those Facts With Mnemonic DevicesHow to Study For Any Test

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Top 25 Grammatical Terms

The Top 25 Grammatical Terms Nouns and verbs, active and passive voice, direct and indirect objects, compound and complex sentences: youve probably heard these terms before. Some you still remember, and others- well, others may not be quite as familiar to you as they used to be. If youre in the mood to brush up on your grammar, this page is for you: brief definitions and examples of the most common grammatical terms. What I know about grammar is its infinite power. To shift the structure of a sentence alters the meaning of that sentence.(Joan Didion) How to Review the Top Grammatical Terms If you want to learn more about any of these terms, click on the word to visit a glossary page. There youll find an expanded definition and several more examples, along with links to articles that examine related grammatical concepts in more detail. Put these concepts to work in basic sentence structures. A word of caution: learning (or relearning) these grammatical terms wont by itself make you a better writer. But reviewing these terms should deepen your understanding of how words are arranged in English to create sentences. And that understanding should eventually help you become a more versatile and confident writer. Active Voice Active voice is a type of sentence or clause in which the subject performs or causes the action expressed by the verb. Contrast with Passive Voice.(See also: Practice in Changing Verbs From Passive to Active.)Example:A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.(Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, 1991) Adjective An adjective is the  part of speech (or word class) that modifies a noun or a pronoun.(See also: Adding Adjectives and Adverbs to the Basic Sentence Unit.)Example:Send this pestilent, traitorous, cow-hearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig.(Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End, 2007) Adverb An adverb is the part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.(See also: Practice in Turning Adjectives Into Adverbs.)Example:There I was, standing there in the church, and for the first time in my whole life I realized I totally and utterly loved one person.(Charles to Carrie in Four Weddings and a Funeral, 1994) Clause A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. A clause may be either a sentence (independent clause) or a sentence-like construction included within another sentence (that is, a  dependent clause).Example:Dont ever argue with the big dog [independent clause], because the big dog is always right [dependent clause].(Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive, 1993) Complex Sentence A  complex sentence is a sentence that contains at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.(See also: Sentence-Imitation Exercise: Complex Sentences.)Example:Dont ever argue with the big dog [independent clause], because the big dog is always right [dependent clause].(Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive, 1993) Compound Sentence A  compound sentence is a sentence that contains at least two independent clauses, often joined by a conjunction.(See also: Sentence-Imitation Exercise: Compound Sentences.)Example:I cant compete with you physically [independent clause], and youre no match for my brains [independent clause].(Vizzini in The Princess Bride, 1987) Conjunction A conjunction is the part of speech that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.(See also: coordinating conjunction, subordinating conjunction, correlative conjunction, and conjunctive adverb.)Example:I cant compete with you physically, and youre no match for my brains.(Vizzini in The Princess Bride, 1987) Declarative Sentence A  declarative sentence is a sentence that makes a statement.(See also: Practice in Forming Declarative Sentences.)Example:A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.(Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, 1991) Dependent Clause A dependent clause is a group of words that begins with a relative pronoun or a subordinating conjunction. A dependent clause has both a subject and a verb but (unlike an independent clause) cannot stand alone as a sentence. Also known as a subordinate clause.(See also: Building Sentences with Adverb Clauses.)Example:Dont ever argue with the big dog [independent clause], because the big dog is always right [dependent clause].(Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive, 1993) Direct Object A  direct object is a  noun or pronoun that receives the action of a transitive verb.Example:All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my uncles. I had to fight my brothers.(Sophia in The Color Purple, 1985) Exclamatory Sentence An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation.Example:God! Look at that thing! You wouldve gone straight to the bottom!(Jack Dawson looking at Roses ring in Titanic, 1997) Imperative Sentence An imperative sentence is a sentence that gives advice or instructions or that expresses a request or a command.Example:Send this pestilent, traitorous, cow-hearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig.(Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End, 2007) Independent Clause An independent clause is a group of words made up of a subject and a predicate. An independent clause (unlike a dependent clause) can stand alone as a sentence. Also known as a main clause.Example:Dont ever argue with the big dog [independent clause], because the big dog is always right [dependent clause].(Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive, 1993) Indirect Object An indirect object is a  noun or pronoun that indicates to whom or for whom the action of a verb in a sentence is performed.(See also: Practice in Identifying Indirect Objects.)Example:Its a family motto. Are you ready, Jerry? I want to make sure youre ready, brother. Here it is: Show me the money.(Rod Tidwell to Jerry McGuire in Jerry McGuire, 1996) Interrogative Sentence An interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question.(See also: Practice in Forming Interrogative Sentences.)Example:What is the name of the Lone Rangers nephews horse?(Mr. Parker in A Christmas Story, 1983) Noun A noun is the  part of speech that is used to name a person, place, thing, quality, or action and can function as the subject or object of a verb, the object of a preposition, or an appositive.(See also: Practice in Identifying Nouns.)Example:Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash.(Harry Burns in When Harry Met Sally, 1989) Passive Voice Passive voice is a type of sentence or clause in which the subject receives the action of the verb. Contrast with Active Voice.Example:Any attempt by you to create a climate of fear and panic among the populace must be deemed by us an act of insurrection.(First Elder to Jor-El in Superman, 1978) Predicate A predicate is one of the two main parts of a sentence or clause, modifying the subject and including the verb, objects, or phrases governed by the verb.(See also: What Is a Predicate?)Example:I dont ever remember feeling this awake.(Thelma Dickinson in Thelma and Louise, 1991) Prepositional Phrase A prepositional phrase is a  group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any of the objects modifiers.(See also: Adding Prepositional Phrases to the Basic Sentence Unit.)Example:A long time ago, my ancestor Paikea came to this place on the back of a whale. Since then, in every generation of my family, the first born son has carried his name and become the leader of our tribe.(Paikea in Whale Rider, 2002) Pronoun A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.(See also: Using the Different Forms of Pronouns.)Example:A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.(Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, 1991) Sentence A sentence is a word or (more commonly) a group of words that expresses a complete idea. Conventionally, a sentence includes a subject and a verb. It begins with a capital letter and concludes with a mark of end punctuation.(See also: Exercise in Identifying Sentences by Function.​)Example:I dont ever remember feeling this awake.(Thelma Dickinson in Thelma and Louise, 1991) Simple Sentence A simple sentence is a sentence with only one independent clause (also known as a main clause).Example:I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.(Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, 1991) Subject A subject is the part of a sentence that indicates what it is about.(See also: What Is the Subject of a Sentence?)Example:I dont ever remember feeling this awake.(Thelma Dickinson in Thelma and Louise, 1991) Tense Tense is the time of a verbs action or state of being, such as past, present, and future.(See also: Forming the Past Tense of Regular Verbs.)Example:Years ago, you served [past tense] my father in the Clone Wars; now he begs [present tense] you to help him in his struggle against the Empire.(Princess Leia to General Kenobi in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, 1977) Verb A verb is the part of speech that describes an action or occurrence or indicates a state of being.Example:Send this pestilent, traitorous, cow-hearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig.(Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End, 2007)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Operational Management Business Plan of a Special Event Essay

Operational Management Business Plan of a Special Event - Essay Example Siegel (2009, Pg. 21) says that this domain constitutes an important and critical part of business that governs the efficiency and quality with which products are manufactured or services are provided and involves numerous human intensive procedures. In fact, operations management also encompasses the effective distribution and supply of goods to customers. The history of operations management can be traced back to the Second World War when various researchers undertook complex studies to understand the various basic processes that influenced the course of army operations such as logistics, troop movement, supply routes etc (Pycraft, 2009, Pg. 43). This extensive focus on analyzing the pattern of military operations led to the evolution of military systems and provided the much needed insight into understand multilateral and interdisciplinary process that constitute the field of operations research. The discipline of operations research thus encompasses various scientific domains and depends on solutions like statistics, modeling and structured algorithms to provide some useful answers to complex problems that pertain to various business processes and operations within an organization. In this context, operations research does not rely much on considering the exact nature or area of specialization of the organization. According to McMahon (2007, Pg. 87), the sole purpose of employing operations research methods is to determine a scientific answer to a given complex scenario that can enhance the performance of the company and thus requires the collaboration of experts from several disciplines to understand the problem from a quantitative perspective. Thus, operations research provides numerous tools, methods and procedures that help solve many issues pertaining to operations management (Wagen, 2009, Pg. 63). Operations management is also influenced by industrial engineering that helps understand a given problem area from an engineering perspective and develop re quisite solutions. The current paper describes the usefulness of operations management in organizing special events like seminars and conferences. Various issues pertaining to event management like planning, purchasing, inventory management, logistics, budgeting and quality will be considered when describing the applicability of operations management to this particular business area. The manner in which different components work together in organizing a successful event and the role of operations management in reducing costs and ensuring profitability has been highlighted. Specifically, the paper discusses the usefulness of operations management in organizing a networking event for reputed firms such as an investment bank. Investment banks regularly organize such events to interact with potential customers, forge new contacts with major players in different industries and strengthen relationships with existing customers. Typical attendees to these events included high profile repres entatives from several prominent companies operating in various industries. Role of operations management in organizing events A networking event, such as the one discussed in this paper, is not just a luxurious business party, but is in fact an important marketing exercise for investment banks that is aimed at promoting their services through personal interaction with potential clients. While the event has to display the reputation and prominence of the investment bank, the primary goal of the event